Martin Hills
To contact the organisers, use the: Contact form
How do I enter ?
To enter you will need to fill out an entry form. Games, except freeforms, are scheduled for teams of 5 players. If you enter as an individual, or with a team smaller than 5 players, you will be combined with other entrants for specific games to make up 5 members. The entries for an entire team can be fit onto one entry form.
We will need to know your name, and preferably a phone number or email address in case we need to contact you. Please indicate whether you would like to be included on our emailing list (we promise not to spam you).
Please fill out the contact details for each team member, and a team name (you don't need this if you are an individual). Offensive team names will be changed at the organisers' discretion. We will not pass any information on to any third parties Ð information will be kept strictly for Necronomicon business only.
You can also enter online - you can email your entry from the Necro website .
If so, you will need to attend Registration night to pay for your games and provide your signature.
A signature from each player is necessary for insurance purposes.
If you are under 18, we will need the signature of a parent or guardian.
How do I enter a game ?
One side of the entry form lists all the games running at the Con, along with the number of sessions for each, and the system it uses. There are also 5 boxes, one for each team member (in the same order as entered in the contact details section). For each player on your team who wants to enter a particular game, colour in or cross the box for the game and player number.
Can I get a discount ?
Members of roleplaying clubs ( such as those associated with a University ) can get a 10 % discount on the entry fee. To claim this discount you must include a photocopy of your club card with your entry.
Before September 24 : You will be entered and scheduled to play in the games you select if you send your entry in by Friday September 24, 1999. That means that all entries, with monies paid, that are postmarked the Saturday September 25th or earlier will have their games prescheduled. Unless a problem occurs you will be able to play whatever you have selected.
Price: $5 per session played, maximum $45 per player.
After September 24 : Your entry will be accepted by the convention and you will be able to play whatever game you choose unless a problem occurs.
However, you will not be prescheduled. It will be necessary for you to select what times and when you will play on registration night. This is called laissez faire scheduling - you do it yourself if you don't post your entry to us by the late date of Friday September 24th, 1999.
Don't panic! Able assistants will be there to help you get into the tournaments you wish to play.
Price: $6 per session played , maximum $55 per player.
Reminder : Late date is 24th September.
Where do I send the form ?
Send the completed form, along with a cheque or money order (don't send cash) payable to Necronomicon.
- Address the entries to :
- Necronomicon Entries
7 Canberra St.
Hurlstone Park,
NSW 2193.
Registration will be held on Thursday 30th September, from 6pm to 8pm at the venue.
Attendance at registration night is not compulsory, but we encourage you to come along and meet other players and designers.
On registration night you will be given your schedule detailing the games and session times that your team will be playing. You may also wish to check with designers for more information on their game.
It will be possible to enter on registration night, but you will have to pay fees as a late entrant. You can also enter at any time during the weekend.
Those who have entered using the Necro99 website will need to come and pay on Registration night in order to secure their place in particular games. If you enter by the Internet and cannot attend rego night, please let us know.
Prize Giving
Prize giving will be held on Monday 4th October at 4:30 pm, half an hour after last session.