Hosted by

Necronomicon 99
Collectable Card Game Tournaments
- Descriptions of the CCG tournaments running at Necronomicon 99:
- Babylon 5
- Highlander
- Legend of the Burning Sands
- Legend of the Five Rings
- Mythos
- Star Trek: Next Generation
- Star Wars
- Wyvern
- The day and time each tournament is being held.
- Tournament Schedule
- Babylon 5
- Babylon 5 is the last best hope for peace in the Universe. Each
player represents a race in the struggle for galactic supremacy.
Each race has their own agenda, whether it be peace, military
conquest, diplomatic or psychic subterfuge. However, depending
who controls the race (player) any option is available to each
There will be 4 Babylon 5 tournaments, a sealed deck
a regular open, a social open and a Battel for earth open. Standard rules
(Deluxe edition
version) and FAQ's apply. For Sealed Deck tournaments,
minimum deck size is 45 cards. Will be using the "Virtual Kosh"
and "Virtual Justin" rule. This means that any player may spend 3
influence to gain a temporary Vorlon or Shadow mark. There is
no limit to how many temporary marks may be gained in this
fashion, apart from influence required. Players may also trade
cards on a one for one basis with other players in the tournament
and only with cards obtained for the tournament. All cards not
included in your deck are considered to be in your sideboard.
BATTLE FOR EARTH tournament - this tournaments will be 2 or 3 player games,
where each
player within a game will be playing one of the 3 human factions,
either Sinclair / Clark / or Bester. The 3 factions will be battling for
the future of earth. Standard rules except as follows:
B5 influence will start the game at 0 and can never be increased
(or reduced) beyond this starting point by any means. Also, no
Babylon 5 votes can be called. Effects that call for a B5 vote are
negated. Starting tensions between all human factions will be 5.
Scoring for this tournament will also be differant. The game will only
for 2 or 3 player games.
In a 3 player game, 1st 3 pts, 2nd 2 pts & 3rd 1 pt. In a 2 player game,
3 pts & 2nd 1 pt. There are no cooperation points for this format, but any
game which is completed before time is called will recieve an additional 1
for all participants involved in that game.
For open tournaments, players may have a sideboard reserve of 20
cards, which they can use to modify their decks between rounds. Deck
is 60 cards. Maximum of 3 of any cards. There
will be 3 qualifying rounds of 3 or 5 players, with the highest
scoring players of each race going into a final round. Each round
will have a 60 minutes time limit. Each player receives a base
score equal to their final position. If the game has an outright
winner (20pts), the winning player receives 4 bonus points to
their score. The winner of the game also awards 2 points to any
other player/s of their choice. If the victory is by Major Agenda
the winner scores 2 bonus points and can award an extra point to
another player/s. Everyone carries their base score into the next
qualifying game. The highest scoring player of each race after the
qualifying rounds, goes into the final. All previous scores are
ignored and all players start again at base zero. The top two
players of each race receive prizes.
Races for Sealed Deck tournaments will be randomly determined.
Sealed deck consists of one starter and two boosters (Shadow and
Great War boosters). An alternate faction starter will also be
opened and each player will get the alternate "ambassador
and race cards" plus remaining cards at random. For the open
tournament, each player is required to bring a minimum of three
alliance races, as all five player games must include one of each
race. (Players that do not have three decks, can not score bonus
points). Each player will only play one race for the duration of
each tournament.
Zeta Squadron members gain a world ranking. Prizes include:
certificates, cards boxes and card packets, promo cards and for
any tournament with 24 or more players, a signed Babylon 5
card, valued over $400.00. In addition to the regular prizes,
bonus prizes will be awarded for the first player to complete these
objectives during an open tournament:
Sponsored by Precedence Publishing & Alternate Worlds.
- Highlander
- Highlander is a card game of swashbuckling sword fighting skill
and devious subterfuge. Players assume the role of an immortal
with their own unique abilities. The gathering is near, as all
immortals battle for "the ultimate prize", to the death. The game
takes minutes to learn but longer to master. Don't lose your head.
There will be a sealed deck tournament, a Lean and Mean and
the open tournament. The Lean and Mean tournament has a 50 card deck
construction maximum. Six cards must be Lean and Mean. If you
do not have 6 Lean and Mean cards, you may use proxies, but
will always go second in each game you play. All tournaments
are double elimination format. Each player can lose one game
and still be in the running, unless you lose your head, from a head
shot attack. Standard rules and FAQ's will apply. All Highlander
cards are tournament legal, except the promo cards that have not
been officially released. The Sealed Deck will consist of
a starter and 3 boosters.
Prizes include certificates, promo cards and bonus prizes for
nexus members. Players may join Nexus at the convention. In
addition to the regular prizes, bonus prizes will be awarded for
the first player to complete these objectives:
Sponsored by Thunder Castle Games & Alternate Worlds.
- Legend of the Burning Sands
- Legend of the Burning Sands is a companion CCG to Legend of
the Five Rings. LBS is set in the mythical Arabian setting where
water is more important than honour. Players can win in a
number of ways, either by achieving a military victory and
thereby eliminating the other clans, a water victory where players
drain their opponents water supplies or an Story victory where a
clan manages to play 5 story points worth of cards.
We have two Legend of the Burning Sands tournaments
scheduled. A sealed deck tournament and an open. Standard
rules and FAQ's. All tournaments are Swiss (average of five
rounds), with the top players playing off in single elimination.
The exact number of finalists ranges from 2-8, depending on the
number of participants. Each game has a 30 minute time limit.
Prizes may include: uncut card sheets, certificates, T-shirts
certificates, promo cards and Dinar redemption certificates. In
addition to the regular prizes, bonus prizes will be awarded for
the first player to complete the following objectives during a
Sponsored by Five Rings Publishing & Alternate Worlds.
- Legend of the Five Rings
- Legend of the Five Rings is a game set in a medieval mythical
Japan. Players can win in a number of ways, either by achieving a
military victory and thereby eliminating the other clans, a honour
victory (diplomacy) or an enlightenment victory where a clan
manages to retrieve all five rings.
We have 4 Legend of the Five Rings tournaments scheduled,
an open (1 on 1), a Jade Extended (1 on 1), a 4 player
multi-player qualifier and a sealed deck 1 on 1 Swiss tournaments. Standard
rules & FAQ's.
All tournaments are two sessions per tournament.
All L5R tournaments will be in Swiss format, no elimination's.
The number of rounds will be based on players, but the base
minimum is 5 (requires at least 8 players). The exact number of
finalists ranges from 2-8, depending on the number of
participants. All games end immediately when time expires.
Games scored win points and on victory points. (Detailed
schedule below). Standard rules & FAQ's apply, except: deck
size minimum is 30/30 for sealed deck tournaments, with 40/40
for open tournaments. Starting sequence will be determined by a
total of family honour and a focus value deck cut and the
mulligan rule will be in effect should any player begin without
any holdings. The two player games are 40 minutes and the 4
player games are 100 minutes. The 4 player multiplayer qualifier
tournament will be a four player multi-round tournament,
non-elimination, qualifier. Each player will play three 4 player
games (2 hours time limit), scoring points by fulfilling the victory
conditions. The top four players will play off in a final 4 player
game. All of these qualifier tournaments will be scored if time
expires on the following basis: 1 vp for each honour pt, 10 vp for
each province destroyed (15 if Shadowlands or dishonoured
Scorpion Clan), 8 vp for each ring in play. Any players who are
eliminated in a game will lose 15 vp. Qualification will be based
on number of win points (wp) and if that is tied on vp. Win
points (wp) are 1 pt for 2 players games, 2 pts for a 4 player
game, with 1 pt going to 2nd place in a 4 player game.
Prizes may include: certificates, T-shirts, promo cards and Koku redemption
certificates (upto 410). Top eight players get prizes. Please note
that prize support is basde on 16 attending players and the prize
support may be reduced proportionately for smaller tournament.
In addition to the regular prizes, bonus prizes will be awarded for
the first player to complete the following objectives during a
Sponsored by Five Rings Publishing & Alternate Worlds.
- Mythos
- Mythos is a game of supernatural horror set in the universe of
H.P. Lovecraft. Unsuspecting people become tangled in the
horror of the elder gods and their insane influence. Players
assume the role of an investigator, telling their tale (adventure) as
they discover the existence of the elder gods and the nightmares
they bring. Can you uncover the facts before you are driven
There will be New Aeon sealed deck or a Dreamlands sealed deck (determined
by popular choice)
and one open tournament. Three 50 minute rounds will
determine the qualifying positions for the finalists. The top four
scoring players after the three rounds will play off in the final
without a time limit. Points are awarded for each qualifying game
on the following basis: The winner of each game is determined by
adding their sanity score and their adventure points. Once the
winner is determined, the qualifying points are calculated by
accruing adventure points plus position points. Position points
are awarded on the following basis: 1st = 10, 2nd = 5 and 3rd =
2. Minimum deck size is 52 cards with 20 adventure points. All
tournaments are two sessions per tournament.
Prizes may include: card packets, game products, certificates and
special cards. In addition to the regular prizes, bonus prizes will
be awarded for the first player to complete these objectives
during an both tournament:
Sponsored by Chaosium and Alternate Worlds.
- Star Trek: Next Generation
- There will be a sealed deck tournament and an open tournament, with
standard rules
and FAQ's. The sealed deck will utilise the official
Decipher sealed deck set and/or DS9 starter and two DS9 boosters. Star
Next Generation is
a game where players attempt to complete missions, whilst
thwarting their opponent's attempts. Battle is always an option,
but a last resort for the Federation! The tournament will be held
over approximately 6 rounds, each player playing a different
opponent each round. Deck size is unlimited, no more than 30
cards can be seed cards. This is a Swiss style tournament. All
tournaments consist of two sessions. Prizes may include T-shirts,
cards and merchandise. Bonus prizes will be given for
encouragement awards, mini-prizes and raffle prizes. Minimum
prize for all entrants is one rare and a starter deck.
Sponsored by Decipher, Sports Cards Australia & A. W.
- Star Wars
- Players assume the role of either the darks or light side and vie
for control of the force, while attempting to dwindle their
opponents force, utilising ships, characters and weapons.
Star Wars will feature one sealed deck tournament and one open
tournament, with standard rules and FAQ's. Official Sealed
Decks will be used for the sealed deck tournament. Players will
be randomly assigned either light or dark side and will only play
that faction.
Star Wars is a Swiss style open tournament. The tournament will
be held over approximately 3 rounds (6 games). Players will
build a deck of 60 cards, either light side or dark side. Force
loss/gain is totalled at the end of each game and the player who
has the overall highest force gain is determined the winner. Prizes
include T-shirts, merchandise and certificates. Bonus prizes will
be given for encouragement awards, mini-prizes and raffle prizes.
Minimum prize for all entrants is one rare and a starter deck.
Sponsored by Decipher Inc., Sports Cards Australia & A.W..
- Wyvern
- Wyvern is a game of mythical dragons, treasure and dragon
slayers, where player vie for control over the six zones of
battlefield positions.
There will be two Wyvern tournaments, a sealed deck, and
an open tournament. We are using the standard rules and
restrictions as per Wyvern Shadow #5 with current FAQ's.
Starter deck consists on one base starter and one each of the
Phoenix and Chameleon booster. All tournaments are Swiss style
tournaments. Prizes include limited prints, merchandise and
certificates. In addition to the regular prizes, bonus prizes will be
awarded to the first player to complete the following objectives
during an open tournament.
Sponsored by US Games Systems & Alternate Worlds.
Tournament Scedule
Friday: |
9.00am |
Babylon 5 CCG | Sealed Deck (1-2 sessions) |
Star Wars | Sealed Deck (1-2 Sessions) |
1.00pm |
Mythos | Sealed Deck (1-2 Sessions) |
Highlander | Lean & Mean (1-2 Sessions) |
L5R | Open (Jade Extended 1 on 1) |
Saturday |
9.00am |
Highlander | Sealed Deck |
Star Trek Next Gen | Sealed Deck |
Babylon 5 | Battle for Earth |
1.00pm |
Wyvern | Sealed Deck |
L5R | Open (Multiplayer) |
4.30pm |
Wyvern | Open |
Sunday |
9.00am |
L5R | Sealed Deck (Pearl 1 on 1) |
Star Wars | Open |
Babylon 5 | Open (Social) |
1.00pm |
Legend Burning Sands | Sealed Deck |
4.30pm |
Highlander | Open |
Monday |
9.00am |
Mythos | Open |
Legend Burning Sands | Open |
Star Trek Next Gen | Open |
Babylon 5 | Open |
L5R | Open (1 on 1) |