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Necronomicon 99
"The truth is that there has never been any line at all between the hunter and the hunted. The tiniest creatures on earth are preyed upon by insects that still can't be seen by the naked eye. They are fed on by larger insects and these by birds, frogs, lizards. Then come the small game or the grazing creatures and finally those that we think of as the hunters; lions, wolves. Humans. And are these the end of the chain? No. Cut us open, examine our stomachs, our lungs, our hearts and you will find some of the tiniest creatures on earth. It is a circle. The circle of life. The circle of the hunter and the hunted."
-Professor D. Kirke in a seminar at the University of New England.
"That guy is a wanker."
-Jeremy in a conversation in the lounge room.
Written by Madi.
A 1 session Vampire the Masquerade for 5 creatures beyond the circle of life.
Warning: some concepts within this game may be offensive or distressing to some players. Age limit 16+ at GM's discretion.
The Scream In Their Eyes
And so we have returned to this place.
This place we made a sepulture for our friends.
In it's corridors our folly hunts, and we
have come here to face it once again.
It was the dreams that drew me back, drew us
all back. I still see them; their eyes, their
pain. What it did as it took them. The dreams
won't let me forget, let any of us forget.
I have prayed for forgetfulness though, prayed to
all the gods I know. It seems though I've been
forsaken; for while the blood fades to rose, I
can still see the scream in their eyes...
A single session of "Mage: The Ascension" for
five of the Hollow Ones, by david addison.
Mature themes.
They came from a bit past Pluto
Once upon a time, long, long ago there was:
One furry alien,
One slimy guy,
One that looks almost human,
One with twenty eyes,
and the little green man with the glowing pointer finger who didn't want
to come but couldn't stay away.
Come where? Come to save Earth of course!
Did they do it? Did they save the world?
Well, they were as agile as space junk, modern as MIR, and as dim as a
black hole - so you tell me!
A one session game for five intergalactic superlosers who just want to
have some fun.
By X