Hosted by

Necronomicon 99
Baron Munchausen's Night of Horrors
moderated by Rick Mc Leod of the Clan Mac Leod
It was Samhain at the Highgate Adventurer's Club. Here were gathered the most famous and well travelled; each having more accolades, triumphs, and trophies than Indiana Jones and Allan Quatermain could ever hope to garnish. Silence filled the room as Lord Andrew took the stage...
"Lord Andrew, I pray you, please, entertain us with the story of how you were able to navigate your way out of the depths of the Catacombs of Paris without any light at all, and end up safely in the Pope's Chamber."
"Why certainly, my dear Baron. I remember the events very well. I was on an archaelogical expedition to retrieve the bones of St. Thomas, at the Pope's request you understand, when a cold wind..."
Inprovisational, competitive, gothic & horror, tall tale telling for a group of 10-12 adventurers. A sleeper at Conquest '99 and a winner at Pancakes post-con; come challenge Lord Andrew for the title (if he's prepared to defend it, of course.)
Rules and format available at http://homepages.tig.com.au/~justice/bm/

The Faces We Wear
"A friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
A single session systemless/cathart for five theatre friends trying to relax after a long days rehearsal,
a week away from Opening Night.
A character intensive game by Pixie
(email pixie_b@dynamite.com.au )
Aeons ago, when the earth
first brought forth life,
creatures battled the environment,
and each other for supremacy,
that one may survive.
Although we can only guess what awful
conflicts took place.
Even today this struggle
-A Matter of Survival -
A game for people with a sense of fun.
Catharsis, while noteworthy, is not essential...!