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Necronomicon 99
Short Sharp Shocks
Short Sharp Shocks were originally created as vehicles for designers to present unusual ideas in a dark fantasy or horror setting. Each tournament is judged separately, but teams entering all three games will also be eligible for the Short Sharp Shocks award.
A Time of Legends
It was an era of heroes. Knights in shining armour, Priests of Battle, Mages fighting for the side of truth, Thieves reformed and heroic, Rangers tall and mysterious. It was your era. Together you cleared the woods of goblins, the dungeons of dragons, the temples of dark clerics and the plains of griffins. Together you made the world safe.
Thirty years later, an era is over. In the year of the Saint 999, the signs show things coming to an end.
The goblins have returned in hordes. Yet they are not pillaging, they are trading.
The children of wyverns stalk their ancient ruins - yet they are teaching, not burning.
Witches tell truths you do not want to hear.
The world has changed and there is no place for the heroes of yesterday.
Yet there are prophecies to uphold. The millennium comes, the signs are there,
the portents bold.
A five player one session module inspired by AD&D and Alan Moores Watchmen.
By Morgan Morningstar.
Dragged from your homes. Stripped of everything familiar.Torn from the world you know and brought here. But where is here? Six walls, six doors, no clues. Every room leads to another room. Each one no different from the last.
A puzzle. A game. A death sentence.
Five people with nothing left except the will to live. A five player game within a game based on "Cube".
By Don and Kelly.
Motive Force
If love can be quantified, its strength is measured by what you would be willing to do for it.
They have decided to analyse this, and find the greatest love,
the strongest motive.
They are going to use love itself as a weapon against
their enemies.
They are going to use you to do it.
Five people given one purpose, but with mixed motives.
Systemless or with Call of Cthulhu rules.
Major characterisation, adult concepts, and escalating demands upon morality.
What do you love?
And, more importantly, what are you willing to do for it?
SSS by Evangelos Hugo Paliatseas.