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Necronomicon 99
Science Fiction
Through these fields of destruction,
Baptisms of Fire,
I witnessed your suffering
As the battle grew higher
And though they did hurt me so bad,
Through the fear and alarm,
You did not desert me, my
A 5 player sci fi game set in near future Russia,
and using the Chaosium game system.
By Richard Warner and Murray Atkinson.
suicide attempts
"The first thing you see when falling off a SLA tower is a massive sheet of chrome piercing the clouds, reflecting everything from the grot red sun to the neon battlefield of brand names screaming from all sides. You might even catch your grinning face plummet to the soot filled clouds below.
If you're lucky you won't hit the ground, if you're lucky your head will shatter like a melon on one of the plasteel walkways or concrete roads suspended between buildings making the whole place look like some galactic funnel web put its nest here.
If you're unlucky you'll have time to admire the oxidised orange green patterns made by years of non stop rain that streaks down to the piles of ex-solids that you'll soon be dragging your sorry butt out of.
Oh.... did I mention the cockroaches?"
Tim Johnson
5 player 1 session SLA Industries
a herbie game
Luke sighed. Sometimes he felt as if the universe was playing with him. Just when he felt that he was getting somewhere, the same problems would reappear. He looked around the cramped quarters of the Millennium Falcon. How many times have we faced the dark side? How many times will we have
to do it again? But, he reminded himself, the force is bigger then any one person. The Emperor may be dead, but the dark side will always be there. And so will those that seek to use it to their own ends.
Chewie's familiar roar brought him out of his reverie. They must be approaching their destination - Keaver. Hopefully here they would find something to lead them to their quarry - dark students of the emperor who were looting old Jedi strongholds for knowledge and power. Ah well, thought Luke as he rose, this is part of what it means to be a Jedi.
Sword of the Sith
A one session Star Wars module for five or six players by Michael Hitchens
This is a sequel to Talidon IV (Sydcon 99) but there is no need to have played that module. No character descriptions will be given - if you don't know Luke, Leia, Han, Lando and Chewie well enough by now, go watch the movies some more. Wedge is an option for the die-hards.
Star Trek: A Call Of Conscience.
News Release...Earth 12/01/2404
Universal Peace, the vocal environmental action group protesting about the damage done to space by warp engines, today issued the following demands to the Federation:
Starting immediately, warp travel is to be limited to 1 vessel per starday per parsec of space, with this to be monitored by an independent body formed from Federation and Universal Peace members.
Further study is to be made into the effects of warp on normal space, with an interim report produced within a month.
Research into alternative propulsion is to be undertaken, so that ultimately the use of warp can be stopped.
The Federation have as yet issued no response.
This is a 5 player Multi-form based in the Star Trek Universe. It can be played as either a 1 session or 2 session game (make sure you indicate which on your entry). This game allows for lots of role play and will allow players the chance to take charge of a Starship's bridge as well as being at the very heart of power and decision making. Familiarity with the basics of the Star Trek universe would be an advantage though it is not a necessity. Partly inspired by Star Trek: The Next Generation seventh season episode, Force Of Nature.
Star Trek costumes more than welcome.
A game by Greg Buist for Devious Concepts Inc.