N2K: Necronomicon MillenniumCollectable Card Games - DescriptionsCCG: || Index || Time Table || Descriptions ||
Babylon 5There will be four Babylon 5 tournaments, a sealed deck, a regular, a social open and a Highlander tournament. Standard rules (Deluxe edition version) and FAQ's apply. For Sealed Deck tournaments, minimum deck size is 45 cards. Will be using the "Virtual Kosh" and "Virtual Justin" rule. This means that any player may spend 3 influence to gain a temporary Vorlon or Shadow mark. There is no limit to how many temporary marks may be gained in this fashion, apart from influence required. Players may also trade cards on a one for one basis with other players in the tournament and only with cards obtained for the tournament. All cards not included in your deck are considered to be in your sideboard. Social Tournaments are regular open tournaments, which are scored differently. The objective is to be creative and have fun, winning just ends the game. After each round (when the game ends), each player at the table awards two point to an opponent. One point for role playing (getting into the spirit of the game and his deck) and one point for the player who made you game the most fun for you. The final table will be drawn from the player of each race who had the maximal number of votes throughout the preliminary rounds for "made the game fun". Ties will be broken first with role-playing, then possibly fewest opponents played, then randomly, or we could advance both/all members of a race who are tied after comparing the top 2 vote categories. The player who is voted best in each category at the final table will get prizes, as will the best overall role-player if they did not make the final table, with additional rewards for overall the three main prize positions (overall most fun player, best role-player of the most fun players and best role-player overall). Any player willing and able to play more than 2 racial decks at the tournament automatically will receive a bonus vote for making the game fun for others. A judge in such a tournament is allowed to play and compete for the awards. If he can make the game fun for everyone and earn a prize, so much the better! For open tournaments, players may have a sideboard reserve of 20 cards, which they can use to modify their decks between rounds. Deck minimum is 60 cards. Maximum of 3 of any cards. There will be 3 qualifying rounds of 3 or 5 players, with the highest scoring players of each race going into a final round. Each round will have a 60 minutes time limit. Each player receives a base score equal to their final position. If the game has an outright winner (20pts), the winning player receives 4 bonus points to their score. The winner of the game also awards 2 points to any other player/s of their choice. If the victory is by Major Agenda the winner scores 2 bonus points and can award an extra point to another player/s. Everyone carries their base score into the next qualifying game. The highest scoring player of each race after the qualifying rounds, goes into the final. All previous scores are ignored and all players start again at base zero. The top two players of each race receive prizes. The highlander open is a standard tournament, except that only one of each card is allowed in your deck. Races for Sealed Deck tournaments will be randomly determined. Sealed deck consists of one starter and three boosters. An alternate faction starter will also be opened and each player will get the alternate "ambassador and race cards" plus remaining cards at random. For the open tournament, each player is required to bring a minimum of three alliance races, as all five player games must include one of each race. (Players that do not have three decks, can not score bonus points). Each player will only play one race for the duration of each tournament. Zeta Squadron members gain a world ranking. Prizes include: certificates, cards boxes and card packets, promo cards and for any tournament with 24 or more players, a signed Babylon 5 card.
HighlanderThe Lean and Mean tournament has a 50 card deck construction maximum. Six cards must be Lean and Mean. If you do not have 6 Lean and Mean cards, you may use proxies, but will always go second in each game you play. Please note that edge cards no longer contribute to your deck construction size. All tournaments are double elimination format. Each player can lose one game and still be in the running, unless you lose your head, from a head shot attack. Standard rules and FAQ's will apply. The Sealed Deck will consist of a starter deck and 2 boosters, 1 Gathering and 1 Watchers chronicles. Prizes include certificates, promo cards and bonus prizes for nexus members. The open tournament is the second regional qualifier and the NSW state championship. The Sealed Deck tournament is likewise the second regional qualifier and the NSW state championship.
Legend of the Burning Sands
Legend of the Five RingsWhen time expires, the player who started second completes their turn. Games scored win points and on victory points. (Detailed schedule below). Standard rules & FAQ's apply, except: deck size minimum is 30/30 for sealed deck tournaments, with 40/40 for open tournaments. Starting sequence will be determined by a total of family honour. The two player games are 30 minutes. All of these qualifier tournaments will be scored if time expires on the following basis: 1 vp for each honour pt, 10 vp for each province destroyed, 8 vp for each ring in play and 2 vp for each point of honour you force your below zero. Note: only your best victory condition will be scored, not all victory conditions. If you are unable to win via a particular victory condition for some reason (i.e. honour due to Kaede Sensei,) you can not score any points for that victory condition. Qualification will be based on number of win points (wp) and if that is tied on who they defeated. Win points (wp) are 3 pt for 2 players games and 1 pt for a drawn game. Prizes may include: certificates, promo cards and Koku redemption certificates.
MythosThere will be one sealed deck NSW state championship and one open NSW state championship tournaments. Sealed Deck events will consist of 1 starter and FOUR boosters. Three 50 minute rounds will determine the qualifying positions for the finalists. The top four scoring players after the three rounds will play off in the final without a time limit. Points are awarded for each qualifying game on the following basis: The winner of each game is determined by adding their sanity score and their adventure points. Once the winner is determined, the qualifying points are calculated by accruing adventure points plus position points. Position points are awarded on the following basis: 1st = 10, 2nd = 5 and 3rd = 2. Minimum deck size is 52 cards with 20 adventure points. All tournaments are two sessions per tournament. Prizes may include: card packets, game products, certificates and special cards.
NetrunnerPlayers play two game per opponent with a 30 minute time limit for each game. Once as the Corporation and once as the Runner. There will be a sealed deck and an open tournament. The sealed deck will consist of one starter and 3-4 boosters (from all expansions). Prizes include certificates, stock and autographed cards including promo cards. All tournaments consist of two sessions.
Star Trek: Next Generation
Star WarsStar Wars will feature one sealed deck tournament and one open tournament, with standard rules and FAQ's. One regular starter and SIX boosters and a Jedi pack will be used for the sealed deck tournament. Each player will play both light and dark sides as opposed to players will be randomly assigned either light or dark side and being restricted to only play that faction. Minimum deck size is 40 cards with a 40 minute time limit. Star Wars is a Swiss style open tournament. The tournament will be held over approximately 3 rounds (6 games). Players will build a deck of 60 cards, either light side or dark side. Force loss/gain is totalled at the end of each game and the player who has the overall highest force gain is determined the winner. Prizes may include T-shirts, merchandise and certificates. Bonus prizes will be given for encouragement awards, mini-prizes and raffle prizes. Minimum prize for all entrants is one starter deck.
Tomb RaiderTomb Raider will feature one sealed deck tournament and one open tournament, with standard rules and FAQ's. Players will compete in two rounds of 30 minute, against each opponent. (Each player uses their own location deck once in one of the two games). Up to 5 rounds of Swiss format games will be held, with the best result being the winner. Prizes may include, merchandise, promo cards and certificates.
Wheel of TimeThere will be one sealed deck and one open tournament. Standard rules and FAQ's apply.
Young Jedi (Star Wars)Star Wars will feature one sealed deck tournament and one open tournament, with standard rules and FAQ's. Players will be randomly assigned either light or dark side and will only play that faction. Star Wars: Young Jedi is a Swiss style open tournament. The tournament will be held over approximately 3 rounds (6 games). Players will build a deck of 60 cards, either light side or dark side. Each game is 30 minutes. Force loss/gain is totalled at the end of each game and the player who has the overall highest force gain is determined the winner. Prizes may include T-shirts, merchandise and certificates. Bonus prizes will be given for encouragement awards, mini-prizes and raffle prizes. CCG: || Index || Time Table || Descriptions || |
Necronomicon Millennium web site Images copyright information on Acknowledgements pages. Correspondence to the Necronomicon Organisers Site designed by & Copyright Leefe Hicks For Shadow Games Incorporated |