After the darkness, the light. After the boy's death, the suicide attempt and all that followed, at last a chance to plan ahead, to love, to dream...
...and in that dreaming weep...
A ghost story, perhaps?
Character intensive
Adult concepts
A journalist. A writer. A businessman. A priest. A flight attendant. And (of course) your vietnamese guide.
You all have your secrets.
A systemless jungle crawl for five scared men reliving their past. Adult concepts.
By Rowan Savage.
Local: Union dispute continues
Finance: All ords up 0.017
Entertainment: James Cameron still missing
International: Paraguay prepares for IMF talks
Sports: France to boycott World Cup
Weather: El Niño prediction
5th April 2003
Asuncion, Paraguay, is further from New York than Moscow.
United States diplomats have referred to Paraguay as the "Tibet of South America."
Previously Paraguay had only been famous for hiding Josef Mengel. It, is now to host the first round of IMF talks. Accordingly the world turns its attention for the first time to . . .
P. J. O'Rouke
Rolling Stone Magazine
By Lawrence Tucker
Email the Designer
Designer's Bio
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
"The tree of liberty must oft be refreshed with the blood of patriots."
January 1999. Peace in Ireland ?
Some debts run so deep, they can only be paid in blood.
Previously run at Sydcon 91. Updated to reflect the changing political situation.
Come to the National Day of Protest
Stand up for freedom in Australia before it's too late
12:30pm in front of the Student Union Building
Organised by the Student Action Council
Necronomicon Ten web site
Designed by & Copyright Leefe Hicks
For Shadow Games Incorporated