Philippa and John Hughes have been active on the Australian roleplaying circuit since the early nineteen eighties. In 1987 they founded the Wyrm's Footprint Design Team, and since that time have produced 23 different modules for conventions or for publication. In addition, Wyrms modules have been run at conventions in the United Kingdom, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Germany and France. While some modules are written solo, the group often works as a co-writing collective. Pip and John have shared the adventure with many talented designers over the years, most notably Ian and David Wanless.Among the modules produced by Pip, she cites three as enduring favourites. These are Memory (a systemless ghost story), A Whiter Shade of Pale (a monster three session Cthulhuesque Irish romance), and the 'irrepressible' Great Sage, Equal of Heaven (a two session Monkey module set during the Cultural Revolution). These days, she concentrates on her vampire web fiction and on exploring the uses of roleplaying in training and education.
John's favourite writing efforts have been Hinterland (Cthuhlu Next written as a sequel to his favourite William Gibson story), Fallen Angel (An 'alien abduction' Triptych based around memories of awkward adolescence in late 70s Cessnock), Kick At The Darkness... (co-written with Pip and Karl Lommerse, a Gaimanesque exploration of Gay Mardi Gras from the perspectives of both Koori street kids and a sexploitation film crew), and most recently, Dark Nebula (a breezy Babylon 5 multiform set aboard a hijacked Centauri mining vessel).
Over the years, John has been module writer, gamesmaster, con organiser (Necronomicon, Runequest Con Down Under...) anthologist (Questlines) editor (InQuest, Necro-file, Australian Roleplayer [remember ARIEL? Remember ARPL?!]), author and roleplaying advocate. He has also produced more entry forms, fliers and other pieces of roleplaying paraphernalia that a sane person should ever have to contemplate in one lifetime.
John is also interested in world mythology, storytelling and roleplaying theory. Still writing for conventions, he also devotes his creative energies to writing short stories and articles on anthropology, myth, and roleplaying theory (most published in Tales Of The Reaching Moon.)
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For Shadow Games Incorporated