If you are under 18 years of age, and thus not a legal adult, we need the obligatory parent or guardian signature. Whilst some events contain adult concepts, the individual tournament organiser will discuss with you the nature of their game and determine by mutual agreement whether it is suitable to be played by you. Please note that the majority of our games are suitable for all ages, and so forth.
What is your name?
We will place your name in our computer to schedule you into the games you wish to play. We unreservedly promise that all details that you supply to us shall not be released to any organisation and shall only be used for administrative purposes of Necronomicon. Your signature is required for insurance purposes.
What tournaments do you wish to play in at the convention? Are you part of a team of five players?
You can enter as an individual or as part of a team. Each player in the team must have their details filled out and sign the form as well. Fill in the boxes next to each game to indicate which players are playing which game. If you enter the convention as an individual, you will be playing with other individuals or with a partial team.
What is your phone number? Can we email you?
If you are unavailable at certain times over the weekend, and thus cannot play in a tournament at that time, please attach a note with the entry form clearly stating which sessions you cannot play. If you have other special
requirements, please note them down as well. We cannot guarantee that we can work out your schedule to your absolute satisfaction if you are unable to attend at particular times, but we will do our best. Please make certain that your entry form has a contact telephone number on it so that we can call you. It is unlikely that we will need to contact you, but your entry may require some clarification in which case you will be contacted before the convention. If you have access to the Internet, we will email you if you provide us with a contact address.
Are you entitled to a discount?
If you are a member of the following participating
university roleplaying clubs - Sutekh, MURPS, Clubsmed.
Then you will receive a discount on your entry to the
convention if you send us a photocopy of your club ID card with your entry form.
If you are a gamemaster for any tournament at the
convention, we shall discount your entry into games if you are on the list of authorised gamemasters that is supplied to us by each tournament organiser.
Once you have completed this form.
Mail it, with your cheque or money order payable to Necronomicon (do not send cash). Address entries to:
Necronomicon on the WWW
Check out our website at :
There you will find more info on games, and info on the designers and the convention.
Necronomicon Ten web site
Designed by & Copyright Leefe Hicks
For Shadow Games Incorporated