Necronomicon Ten
Short Sharp Shocks
Short Sharp Shocks were originally created as vehicles for designers to present unusual ideas in a dark fantasy or horror setting. Over the years they have become associated with a sense of experimentation, intense characterisation and gritty psychological realism. Mood, atmosphere and intensity are what you can expect from these chilling scenarios. Prepare to be challenged by the unexpected.
Each tournament is judged separately, but teams entering all three games will also be eligible for the Short Sharp Shocks award.
The road stretches out before you. Flat. Unchanging. The trip started out as fun, despite it's serious intent, but now there's not one of you that wouldn't rather be back in the city. Back to civilisation. Back to noise, and people and a coffee you can drink. Back to a colour other than this dull red dirt. But it's done. Done, done, can't be undone. None of you can go back now. Not until you find out the truth about Anthony. Why he went to some tiny hick town. Why he left you all behind. What happened to him when he got there. Where he is now...
A game of personal horror and social
attrocity for five denizens of the Inner-City
By Christian Read and Nic Healey
(aka ArtFag Studios)
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By P.D. Richardson
"Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he has encountered, and the courage with which he maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."
Charles A. Lindbergh
Sydney 1998. Five old friends from prison get back together for a night of blood, brothels and booze.
Set in a fictitious Sydney Underworld inspired by the novels of James Ellroy and the television series Wildside & Phoenix.
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A systemless cyberpunk game set in New Russia
by Jayne Malcolm.
"And I wonder, where she will stay,
My little runaway,
My run, run, run, run, runaway."
In the early days we ran a lot. We ran from our luxurious lives, with everything we wanted. We ran to see how the rest of the world lived.
And then we turned tail and tried to run back.
But you can't unlearn, can you?
With apologies to Jack Womack. More than one nasty surprise for the privileged children of the privileged few.
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