I am 21 and have been writing games since I was 15, but this is only the second time I have run a game at a convention. The first was at Macquarie Con 97, "Fourth Term at Crofton Towers" and it seemed to go well.
I am a true Cthulhu fanatic, mostly because I like the idea that our world is truly beyond our control or understanding, and that no matter what we do our lives are meaningless and our survival at the whim of some ancient uncaring intelligence. Cthulhu is my favourite of the Great Old Ones, but I like the whole of the Mythos Universe and try not to make my game ideas predictable or cliched.
I am studying psychology at university so it is important to me that my games be about characterisation, and the players having a good time rather than sticking pedantically to rules or system.
I hope that this gives you a bit of an idea what I am like and that you'll enjoy playing my game, or that you'll think errÉ she's awful and not put either of us in a situation we won't enjoy! :)
One warning though!!! If you are a major kick arse Doctor Who fan be warned!!!! I have changed things around to fit in with the Cthulhu universe and my brain wave patterns so if you are going to argue semantics you wont enjoy the game...
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For Shadow Games Incorporated